Kick-off meeting of the Transformative Learning through the Prism of Environmental Sustainability-Er
"Transformative Learning through the Prism of Environmental Sustainability", project number 2019-1-IT02-KA204-062303 is a two years long...

Kick off meeting for the FINCH Erasmus+ project
Our new Erasmus+ Project , KA201 "Familiy INvolvement in CHildren’s early education and care" officially debuted with a kick off meeting...

Kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ Project Secure Internet Real Freedom
We have oficially started the implementation of our new Erasmus+ project, 2019-1-HU01-KA201-061212, entitled "Secure Internet Real...

O săptămână de neuitat
În perioada 11-18 Septembrie 2019 , Asociația Edulifelong a participat, alături de parteneri din Spania, Italia, Macedonia de Nord și...