Let the good start you!
The main theme of the project - prevention of aggression and violence was prompted by the increasing incidence of violence and aggression among young people, which generate enormous dissatisfaction and desire in young people not be complacent. With the project "Let the good start you!", we wanted to engage local communities and institutions with the problem of violence and aggression among us, by highlighting the violence and aggression in schools. Envisaged joint activities with students from the school "Hristo Yasenov" have helped to establish zero tolerance of all forms of violence, particularly bullying in school and construction of a school policy that promotes and encourages such changes. We believe that the confrontation with aggression in its various types and variants is a serious obstacle in the lives of many young people problematize their daily lives, their opportunities for self-expression and active social inclusion. The project opened perspective to create an effective youth policy against violence and harassment. It should ensure every young person respecting the rights and protection against physical, social, psychological and moral violation.
The project "Let the good start you!", had the following main objectives:
1. Prevent violence among young people by informing and encouraging their active involvement in socially responsible activities.
2. Creating a platform for meetings, discussions and cooperation on European youth, interested in the problems of violence and aggression among young people.
3. Promote of European identity, tolerance and responsibility in young people.
To achieve the objectives of the project were planned sessions and activities that have broadened the knowledge of participants and will also contribute to promoting their civic stance of intolerance towards any form of violence against anyone. With traditional and innovative approaches, young people will show their unappeased to violence in all its forms and manifestations. We have set activities to reach the widest possible range of people- RPGs, thematic discussions and debates, production and distribution of promotional and informational materials for prevention poster contest on the theme "Bullying stops here" final performance entitled "No to violence", holding press conferences with the media and publications in print and electronic media in the city. The methods used during the project were innovative and aim to reach active and voluntary participation of young people: quiz, active learning, including learning, role play, effective and verbal learning, debate, presentation. It was used creativity of youth and the strength of the messages that they will head to their peers and to society.