M.A.D.R.I.D. juventud europea en movimiento
M.A.D.R.I.D. juventud europea en movimiento is a project organized by MAD for Europe, it was held in Madrid, Spain and it is funded by the Spanish National Agency of the Erasmus + Program. It has brought together 36 young people from 6 different countries: Spain, Italy, Romania, Macedonia, Portugal, Hungary and Slovakia, aged between 18 and 28 years.
The project had a total of 6 major activities that will be shared by days; these activities were fully creative, where Sport and Healthy Lifestyle are the protagonists of each as a means to break down social barriers with other countries, understand their language and socialize.
Most of the activities were realized outdoors, in open spaces like the Parque del Retiro, Casa de Campo or the city centre. During these activities, participants not only worked in groups, they also had to involve to the local citizens.