Youth against hate speech online
YOUTH AGAINST HATE SPEECH ONLINE and the desire of our organization and our partners to get a group of young people together with experienced leaders to work on these issues.Project objectives:Main objective: To conduct a successful youth exchange aimed at discussing the language of hate online and to increase knowledge and practical skills of 25 youths to recognize the language of hatred and to counteract.Sub-Objectives:- With the support of experienced leaders and in a protected environment, young people participating in the project are to discuss hate speech online, the status in their countries and realize the importance of the problem;- Young people participating in the project are to develop knowledge and skills to recognize hate speech online, how to combat it and how to use a language without hatred on the Internet;- To share two years of practical experience in youth work aimed at the prevention of the use of language of hatred online.Number and profile of participants: 25 young people from Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Lithuania and Spain aged 18 to 30 years and 5 experienced leaders from five countries without age limit.Activities:
This project provided only one activity - a Youth Exchanges- program countries.Methods: In the project will be used mainly methods and techniques of non-formal education.Impact: The project will have a direct impact on participants and target groups, on Step by Step NGO and all partner organizations also on local community. It will be a step forward in the prevention and combating of hate speech online and the project will be good practice for further actions in this direction.