The ERASMUS+ project KALIS-"Keep all learners in schools" is a 36 months KA220-SCH - Cooperation partnerships in school education.
At a European level, the need to reduce early school leaving (ESL) has been highlighted in the Europe 2020 strategy “A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth”, stating that “ESL is a pressing concern for the individual, for society and the economy. The skills and competences gained in upper secondary education are seen as the minimum credentials for successful labor market entry and as the foundation for further learning and training opportunities.
In the European 2020 policy message “A whole school approach to tackling early school leaving” its stated that “The school is a key actor to tackle early school leaving but it cannot work in isolation, as there are factors outside the school that will influence a learner’s level of engagement and success. Therefore, a 'whole school approach' to early school leaving is needed.” In a ’whole school approach’, all members of the school community (school leaders, middle management, teaching and non-teaching staff, learners, parents and families) feel responsible and play an active role in tackling educational disadvantage and preventing drop-out. We call this a Holistic approach.
However, the tools and methods to support this holistic policy message is missing for most schools and KALIS project have ambition to give a huge contribution in that direction.
In line with the chosen priorities, the project aims to develop brand new innovative holistic approaches to better prevent Early School Leaving (ESL) which involve school management, teachers, students, and parents. In addition, the approaches will bridge the experience and the developed pedagogical tools from previous Erasmus+ projects.
The project has developed several objectivize to achieve this.
-Conduct requirement and opportunity analysis to collect best practices as prerequisites to develop the professional requirements for train the teachers curriculum, learning game, ESL Warning tool and ESL prevention strategy for schools.
-Develop a comprehensive Micro-Learning training program for upskilling of educational staff "How to Motivate Students and Reduce School Dropout", including necessary training materials and assessment strategy.
-Design and develop a real time ESL Warning tool that includes communication and send warning alerts to parents.
-Develop a serious learning game for students supporting them to create their own strategies to avoid ESL.
-Design and develop an Early School Leaving Prevention Resource (ESLPR) platform where resources are accessible.
-Summarize and conclude ESL prevention strategy for schools based on best practices and developed tools.
-Investigate the room of opportunity for implementation of ESL concept in European schools, as well as contribute to current regional and national policies within ESL.
In the end the project will have overall outcome as:
- Complete toolkit for schools including ESL prevention strategy for schools and online course for teachers/ councilors/ other staff "How to Motivate Students and Reduce School Dropout”.
- Students ESL Learning Game, giving Knowledge, motivation and strategies for reduce risk for drop out.
- A real time ESL Warning tool which includes communication with parents
- A ESLPR platform, easy assessable and updated for adult educators
- An implementation strategy meeting the current national policies within ESL for implementation of project results.
Results will be:
- A curriculum for teachers ESL training modules
- A complete training program based on developed curriculums available as eLearning
- A complete toolkit including necessary training materials
- A Learning game for students ESL prevention
- An ESL Warning tool
- A European ESLPR platform, where training program and all resources developed in KALIS project and other resources are available.
- A ESL prevention strategy for schools
- A summarized strategy report of project results aiming to contribute to implementation of project results according to national policies.