Play EU
Knowledge of the cultures of the EU countries; intercultural learning through traditional games; reduction and prevention of prejudice and discrimination through direct interaction between young people of different origins: these are the issues of PLAY_EU project, which proposes a multilateral exchange between groups of young people from Italy, Turkey, Romania, Estonia, Bulgaria.
The Young exchange activities will be held in Caserta (4 to 11 May 2016) involving 30 young people aged between 14 and 20 years.
The use of traditional game as the main theme is not accidental: the game lets people enter in the rules of a society, understand the meanings of actions, experience the pleasure of being together, discover the variety of roles and social functions. In the game, the items as recreational, cultural and educational, is linked to historical and anthropological value, so it permit to discover the culture and traditions of a Country. The game is one of the main components in the psycho-physical personal growth. It is an opportunity for socialization, learning; training and education. The game stimulates creativity, curiosity, ingenuity, dexterity, creativity; it permit people to be ready to the competition, to reflection, to respect the rules; for this is one of the most used tool also in non-formal education to organize groups, to develop the spirit of association, the active participation and inclusion.
The project is divided into three phases:
Young people will realize activities related to the main theme of the project and will prepare themselves in running of games and non-formal activities. With due support, they will make research on the games and traditions most popular traditions on their territory and they will work to build / reproduce the material needed to make such games during the exchange. This will allow them to discover aspects of their own culture that didn't know before.
Participants will meet for 6 days, in the town of Caserta, and will work together using techniques of non-formal education (Ice breaking, group building, Breakfast Around, Europe and Animal Sounds, workshop activities on defining of the GAME,in its various forms, as a tool for integration and inclusion of young people from different histories and cultures).
Through interactive activities participants will explain the traditional games of their territory and learn those of other EU countries involved, identifying points of difference and contact between different cultures and traditions.
They will organize a day of "traditional games Europe" open to the territory of Aversa and where young people, children and adult can participate. In addition they will have a meeting with local institutions and organizations, to present the products of the exchange and create a regional networking to promote opportunities for mobility and active participation of young people in the area.
The main objective of the project is to offer to young people involved an opportunity for personal growth and human through a plan if activities, realized between young people with cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds. It will contribute to learning essential social and civic values such as equality, tolerance and respect. Participants will have opportunity to "touch" what means to learn about other cultures, welcome them, search for points of contact and learn not to have fears and prejudices about the other and different.
The specific objectives are: acquisition by the beneficiaries of skills related to the 8 key competences of the EU and the Life Skills.
These learning outcomes will be achieved through a structured program of activities of non formal education, focused on the theme of traditional game, and giving participants adequate space for reflection and revision on their learning process and on the main issues of the project.