The Power of Social Media
Subject matters of the youth exchange project were communication in Social Media and aggression in the Internet. In this project participated 36 people from Poland, Romania and Italy aged 13-30 who were interested in New Media. Project "The Power of Social Media" was achived through worshops and other activities as a part of non-formal learning on the basis of mutual and multicultural teaching. Youth exchange took place in Guesthouse in Chałupy, district pucki. This location was chosen because of the appropriate base housing and the equipment that allowed carring out the project activities.The main goal of this project was to raise young people's awareness of safe and positive usage of Social Media and its' influence on the Internet Hate on the Internet users. Forgoing goals were reached through following activities:- multimedial presentation and screening a film about comunication via Social Media- recognising causes of the Internet memes and Vine phenomenon and their raising popularity and creative way of usage- discussion concerning safety of Social Medias' users- presentation and discussion concerning creation of the image in New Media and Internet Hate.- fieldwork - interviews and report among local community about communication in the Internet- production of campaign against Internet Hate and presenting it to the local community and discussion with them. Implementation of scheduled activities contributed to establish intercultural dialog between Poles, Romanians and Italians, organisations, networking and breaking down barriers in intercultural dialogue. Planned activities were achived through following methods: energizing and integration games, workshops, multimedia presentations, exercises in mixed groups, debates and discussions, brainstorming, case study, fieldwork, interviews, roleplay, national (cultural) evenings.
Thanks to this project young people's awareness concerning safe and responsible use of Social Media has grown. Participants learnt about causes and consequences of the Internet Hate. Young people shared product of their cooperation with local community. Later on they took part in the discussion with inhabitants concerning this issue. At the end of the disscusion both groups were trying to find the solution of this problem among pupils. Moreover thanks to this project young people not only improved their interpersonal skills, but also got to know more about another culture, and activated themselves in social life and boosted their creativity.The assumed outcome of "The Power of Social Media" project was the improvement of communication quality in Social Media among young people.