Healthy Teeangers
The project is aimed for those youngsters who want to feel in shape, to become more active and healthy and proposes that a total of 60 young people who will participate in the project will realize the importance of healthy and correct eating for their body and the need to perform daily, physical exercises. Obesity among youth has reached alarming levels, and the main reasons that led to that come from a poor diet used at an early age.
Project organizers will provide for young participants informational materials that will help them to distinguish clearly which foods are healthy and which are not, and to persuade young people to consume new foods that are very important for their body; during the youth exchange they will be given the possibility to prepare their own food from aliments that they have not eaten before. Thus we will proof that healthy food can be prepared just as easily as a fried one.
Also , we will create leaflets that will contain the list of foods that are unhealthy.
Through sports and games, we will analyze the problems caused by unhealthy diets (facing young people) and through the proposed case studies and planned workshops we hope to find their solutions.
During the activities of the project we will introduce theatre methods and tools which might be useful for yougsters and youth workers from this areas. Participants will experience various methods themselves and they will learn how to modify them in order to make them suitable for their local environment. Healthy Teenagers is a project of non-formal education, be ready for discussions, goal-oriented games and interactive workshops.
Participants will be encouraged to share their good practice in open-space sessions. During the week there will be some time dedicated to networking and development of local and international projects.
Working language of the project is English.