NESTT nominated as a GOOD PRACTICE EXAMPLE project!
"NESTT-New European Settings for Teachers and Teaching” is our Erasmus+ project that has been selected by the European Commission as a GOOD PRACTICE EXAMPLE project!
Below the link of the Erasmus+ platform:

NESTT (project number 2016-1-PT01-KA201-022898) has been funded by the European Commission within the Erasmus+ programme, Key Action 2 (Strategic Partnership for innovation and the Exchange of good practices).
European challenges, such as the promotion of common values of equality, democracy and citizenship, bring very demanding tasks for education as they require a (re) consideration of the role of school and teachers across Europe. Thus emerges the project NESTT - New European Settings for Teachers and Teaching, designation originating from the word nest (NEST), associated with birth, growth and space where another value is given to diversity in education, equal opportunities for school success and education, beliefs and core values of the partnership on which the project is based. This consortium, coordinated by Casa do Professor, comprises six other organizations - European Schoolnet Academy (Belgium), which is also holds the "European Education Observatory", which comprises thirty-four Ministries of Education, responsible for various projects, such as "Classrooms of the Future", Asociatia Edulifelong (Romania), with experience in non-formal education, Stowarzyszenie Nowa Kulture i Edukacja (Poland), dedicated to content development and training - and three more portuguese organizations - the Institute of Educational Communities (Setúbal), as a scientific validation partner, and the Schools Groups of Maximinos and Dr. Francisco Sanches (Braga). The main intention of this partnership was to intervene on the traditional way teachers teach, building a perspective that conceives their formation from two assumptions: i) How children and young people learn in formal and non-formal contexts; ii) How can teachers make a difference, considering the indispensable focus on their professional development. The knowledge that has been produced and continues to spread contributes, in a sustained and innovative way, to the necessary change in teaching professional development and, consequently, in teaching in schools. In fact, throughout the project implementation, new training models were sought and presented, with successful practices and results in different countries, but above all, new forms of teacher education for these new realities were envisaged. The project was developed around nine properly structured, planned and shared activities: 1-Coordination, which included the set of actions related to the organization and implementation of the project; 2-The transnational meetings, focused on project development, specifically i) the constitution of intellectual products 1, 2 and 3, ii) the preparation of dissemination events, the International Conference, iii) the planning of other moments of dissemination and iv ) the development of the NESTT website; 3-Short events, in the course / workshop, distance or in person, were always included and taken care of by all partners; In this context, several communications were also submitted to International Teaching Training Meetings; 4-The e-learning course "Teacher Skills for the 21st Century" gave rise to the MOOC "Empowering Students Learning", certified 1,155 teachers; 5-The development of products 1, 2 and 3: product 1 had the main focus in the documentary "Yes, I can"; product 2, following the review of the policies, practices and approaches used in teacher education, was published…; for product 3, "Teaching materials and portfolio of good practices for teachers", is also finalized; 6- The availability of products resulting from the dynamization of the project, in semi-structured actions, allowed the constitution of the Hands on Practice version, which is public from the website and continues to be used, serving as a basis for partners to disseminate a new version. field of knowledge; 7-The dynamization of the website allows the distribution of resources, the publication of results, the consultation of activities, the search and interaction among participants, the publication of articles; It is within this framework that the NESTT community of practice has been nurtured (; 8- Participants prepared and implemented (in) training actions for non-participating teachers to ensure dissemination; partners produced reports, including photographic evidence and attendance registration, disclosing target group, impact, assessment and results; 9-The Making Learning Meaningful International Conference was a privileged occasion for the dissemination of intellectual production; This event was attended by António Nóvoa, Asunción Flores, Manuel Fernandes, Teresa Godinho, Maria Emilia Brederode Santos, Alexandre Quintanilha and, among foreigners, Marc Prensky, Auli Toon, Daniela Cuccurullo and Miquel Amor; The media partners were Agência Lusa and TSF. The activities were developed as planned, always with the purpose of reaching the established goals and honoring the commitments made with the different stakeholders.