Kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ QUBAST project
On 26th of October 2020 the Kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ Project “Qualified basic skills training” (QUBAST) was held online.
7 partners from Europe and Turkey participate in the project consortium.
After a brief welcome by the project coordinator, Jo Sakariassen, from PRIOS we were happy to listed to our special guest, Graciela Sbertoli, General Secretary of European Basic Skills Network. She explained how EBSN will support our project as associated partner and why our initiative is even more important than initially planed due to the effects of COVID pandemic on low skilled adults.

The meeting continued with a presentation of each partner institution and some brainstorming on our approach regarding the tasks we have to complete in the following weeks.

Within the project, it is planned to create: a curriculum within Basic Skills topic (numeracy, oral communication, literacy, media literacy, digital skills and critical thinking) , training modules and good practice handbook for Basic Skills Training and to develop criteria to certify trainers and teachers for Basic Skills training.
Moreover we will create a sustainable academic network for the exchange of experience in the field of adult education, we will benefit from the experience of our EU partners in the implementation of innovative educational technologies and didactic models in the adults' training, as well as the best practices shared.