Making Learning Meaningful - Implications for Teachers Training
In the framework of the NESTT project, between July 2 and July 6, 2018, took place perhaps the most anticipated meeting of the countries involved in this project . In Braga, in an exceptional Lusitan atmosphere, the conference "Making Learning Meaningful - Implications for Teachers Training" gathered over 300 participants.

Running over four days, the conference gathered - along with representatives of the entities involved in NESTT (Casa do Professor, ICE, AE Maximinos, AE Francisco Sanches, Stowarzyszenie Nowa Kultura i Edukacja, Asociatia Edulifelong and European Schoolnet) - and numerous guests from Europe and even the United States of America. Thus, universities such as Minho, Helsinki, Napoli, Aveiro or Monte-Flor College have sent their representatives to the most important event of the year focused on education in Portugal. The conference had a very famous speaker, Marc Prensky, an experienced researcher in the field and an outstanding writer.
If the first two days were dedicated to the conference, the third and fourth day focused on workshops where participants developed themes and solved practical varied tasks.
In a favorable environment, everyone who participated in these workshops was impressed by the professionalism of the trainers.