Stem for all: our new Erasmus+ project in the field of education
In rapidly evolving technology, we should take account of what the globalized world needs and what should we do to meet these needs. For this reason information society has been seen as a necessity of increasing mental processes and production skills rather than labor and muscle strength recently.On the other hand, the result of PISA and TIMMS tests show us our current education and tight curricula does not work in way we want. In this aspect STEM education has become a necessity for all the countries of the world. We need to encourage our students currently in our educational systems, as well as future generations of students, to understand and embrace the technology that affects them every day of their lives. "STEM FOR ALL" aims to address these issues by motivating teachers to keep up the date and enriching their professional skills because we believe that STEM related subjects need to be taught by engaged and enthusiastic teachers using hands-on and minds-on activities. Making Stem related subjects enjoyable and exciting will not only help them to learn, to make connection with real life but also it will be a step for anticipatory STEM career. Student will engage with basic skills in math and science as well as 21st century skills such as creative and critical thinking, problem solving,information literacy and communication. Together with our partners from Turkey, Portugal, Greece, Italy and Sweden, in STEM FOR ALL project we will combine many methods and techniques as our methodology although we will mostly use Inquiry-based and project based learning as well as active learning and ICT based learning for project activities.
Follow us to find out about this new project, that was founded by Turkish NA, ref no: 2017-1-TR01-KA201-045815.