Qualified basic skills training
The main objective of the project is to improve the quality standards among teachers in adult education involved in basic skills (BS) training and teaching. Training them will have direct impact on their students (adult learners) and institutions they work in.
The project will make a significant contribution in extending and developing the competences of educators and other personnel who support adult learners. As teachers and trainers’ professional development and adult learning is high on the EU policy agenda, it is essential that teachers and trainers have opportunities to develop and keep up to highest standards their digital competences, pedagogical skills and transversal competences within adult education (Cedefop, 2016).
With adult learning activities being mostly non-formal and mostly job related (as reported by adult education survey in the EU), new approaches and tools, adapted to today’s situation, for training of important BS to cope with problems can play an important role in the sense that they can be better matched to the profile and needs of adult learners.
The project aims to
- Create updated curriculum for concrete skills like Numeracy, Oral communication, Critical thinking, Digital skills, literacy and Media literacy with adjusted content meeting the real needs.
- Create a powerful methodology package with learning modules, tools and guidelines to support basic skills teachers and trainers
- Create certification criteria for trainers in order for lifelong training centers to certify their staff in using developed materiel.
- Create assessment tools to certify educators within basic skills training as developed in this project.
As technology and society changes in all over the world, the educational needs of people also increase. Every country in Europe has challenges and needs improvements in the field of BS to meet those challenges. The multinational approach will make it more compatible with the teaching of BS in different countries, which is paramount for a wide international dissemination. The consortium can also benefit from different experiences in the different countries when optimizing its outcomes. In this way knowledge, best practices and different approaches from different school systems, levels and ways of introducing BS approach to the adult students will be shared. It also enables partners to explore cases in other countries which are hard to reach by outsiders due to the language barrier. Finally, it will create a firm base to develop and promote project results in Europe.