European Bridge for Youth Activity
The project " European Bridge For Youth Activity " was a youth exchange , which involved 30 young people / 19-28 years / from Romania and Bulgaria - Bulgarian volunteers from "Youth education for active citizenship " association and Asociatia Edulifelong, accompanied by a youth leader. The exchange took place in youth tourist base " Horizont " in complex "Golden Sands" , Varna. In the days of the exchange , participants increased their knowledge and awareness of the European program "Erasmus +" and funding opportunities for their ideas and initiatives. These activities will be prepared and implemented by the Romanian youth. Within the exchange will be conducted practical training of four modules on sport animation , including methods and approaches for organizing youth events , based on grassroots sport .For training purposes will be attracted experienced, professionally trained trainers and coaches who are part of the expert team of our Bulgarian candidate-organization . Upon completion of the training, for the exchange participants will be organized sports animation demonstrations that will be used for testing practice of the young learners. The Successful participants will receive Youthpasse certificates and certificates for youth instructors in sports animation. Discussions, resulting in a plan for future partnership between the two partner organizations, are planned . A partnership agreement will be made, which will give a start to the realization of the developed program. There was day for presenting the cultural and historical sites in the region of Varna , and conducting athletic cross to Aladza monastery, which is located near to the youth tourist facilities , where the participants will be accomodated. Methods that will be used in the days of the exchange are: interactive role-playing, free and structured discussions, presentations, the developed and applied in practice methodology in sports animation.
As a result of the project , the two partner organizations will have certified instructors in youth sport animation , prepared and motivated to organize sports events and initiatives with their peers. They will disseminate the idea of healthy and nature-friendly lifestyle and meaningful spending of leisure time by practicing popular sports among young people in their communities. The two partner organizations will expand their partnership by including other interested in the topic of the project оrganizations and institutions.