Erasmus+ is the EU program to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. The program involves the 27 EU Member States and 6 non-EU associated countries, with 55 national agencies responsible for the decentralized management of most of the programme's actions.

Strategic partnerships
The purpose of the partnership is to create a group to address specific issues related to school, adult, youth, etc. education. such as teaching standards, entrepreneurship, active citizenship, basic competences or language skills, through collaboration and innovation. It is still possible to include students in short/long term visits/exchanges under Key Action 2, but only if this part of the activity helps to achieve the project results.

Youth exchanges and training
Organizations working with young people outside the formal education sector can apply to the youth segment. Funds are awarded to support activity called learning mobility, which is a planned learning activity in another country.
Projects generally last between one and two years. For young people this could mean up to a year abroad as a volunteer, while for youth workers it could be even two days abroad for training.

The participants of the contact seminars will have the opportunity to meet new partners from different countries interested in developing new projects under the Erasmus+ Program, as well as to start building a concrete project.